Hi, I am Camelia.

I'm a frontend developer & visual artist. This is what I do:

Web Development

Get the website you need:
presentation, portfolio, photography, blog, e-commerce.

coding terminal


Immortalise memorable moments in your life. Showcase your newest product. Document your event.

photo camera

Graphic Design

Design your identity: logo, posters, business cards. Vector graphics and illustrations for your projects.

graphical tablet

About me

I am Camelia Istrate, a multifaceted creator living in Aalborg, Denmark. My main interests are building websites, and visual arts such as photography, drawing, and painting. I like programming, and I think game development is a fun way of practicing and applying programming skills.

I graduated the Multimedia Design & Communication AP Degree at the University College of Northern Denmark, where the main areas of study were Design, Interaction Development, Communication, and Business.

This means I can study a problem case, create a business and communication strategy, design a solution, and implement it while taking various factors into consideration.

In the present I am studying Web Development and working on my final Bachelor's project.


  • HTML iconHTML5
  • css iconCSS3
  • jquery iconJQuery
  • javascript iconJavaScript
  • vue js iconVue.js
  • vue internationalizationVue i18n
  • nuxt js iconNuxtJS
  • MySQL iconMySQL
  • PHP iconPHP
  • bootstrap iconBootstrap
  • wordpress iconWordpress
  • woocommerce iconWoocommerce
  • Photoshop iconAdobe Photoshop
  • Lightroom iconAdobe Lightroom
  • Illustrator iconAdobe Illustrator
  • InDesign iconAdobe InDesign


Paddle Game

Javascript browser game, Player VS. Computer. Uses the Canvas element to contain graphics generated and animated by Javascript.
Note: Opens in new tab.

Sara's Pizza and Grill

Website designed for fastfood Sara's Pizza and Grill, features an interactive website menu and food menu.
Note: Opens in new tab.

Stationery Design

Stationery design for Mentor in Greece.

Presentation Brochure

Trifold presentation brochure for Mentor in Greece. Tools: Adobe Illustrator.

Model Photoshoot

Model: Anna Lizak. Work tools: Nikon D90, Adobe Lightroom.

Kunsten Summer Lounge

Poster promoting Kunsten Museum's event: Kunsten Summer Lounge 2018. Work tools: Adobe Illustrator.